
The Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health
Four ads for substances
probably intended as birth control
"Hollywood" magazine, Dec. 1933, U.S.A.
The federal Comstock laws, from 1873, prohibited
explicit advertising for birth control, including
abortion, when these ads appeared in 1933. However,
"contraceptive devices could legally be promoted for
the cure and prevention of disease" (Wikipedia).
This led to the curious wording in the ads you see
People who read "Hollywood" magazine might have been
more open to learning about birth control through
the mail, or needed it more. And it might have been
safer than having a back-alley abortionist fix her
up, maybe permanently - if it worked. The donor
wrote that she could not find similar offers in
other magazines of the time she studied.
More about contraception:
I thank the donor
of the scans, a woman who came across the ads
while researching for a novel.
donor of the scans sent these comments on two of
the pictured ads:
"Nostrums and quackery: articles on the nostrum
evil, quackery and allied matters affecting the
public health," Volume 1, American Medical
Association, 1921, p. 179:
Dr Southington Remedy Company [see the bottom
of the left-hand column]—This
concern published, in such newspapers as would
accept them, advertisements to this effect:
“Ladies—$1,000 reward. I positively guarantee my
great successful ‘monthly’ remedy. Safely relieves
some of the longest, most obstinate abnormal cases
in three to five days.” Those who wrote for
information regarding this advertised
abortifacient were sent a stock letter and a
booklet telling of the wonderful results of taking
"Dr. Southington's Ergo Kolo Female Compound for
Women Only.” The price of this “regulating
compound” was $1.50 a package, “single strength,”
but the “double strength,” which was recommended
“for more obstinate cases,” costs $2. Comment is
superfluous.—(From The Journal A.M.A., Oct 4,
Women, science, and technology: a reader in
feminist science studies
ed. Mary Wyer: “Socially Camouflaged
Technologies” by Rachel Maines (pg. 279-280) [more
from Rachel
Maines, toward the bottom of this linked page]:
In the case of the vibrator, the issue is one of
acceptability, but there are many examples of
similarly marketed technology of which the
expected use was actually illegal. One of these,
which shares with the vibrator a focus on women’s
sexuality, was that of “emmenagogues” or
abortifacient drugs sold through the mail and
sometimes even off the shelf in the first few
decades of this century. Emmenagogues, called in
pre-FDA advertising copy “cycle restorers,” were
intended to bring on the menses in women who were
“late.” Induced abortion by any means was of
course illegal, but late menses are not reliable
indicators of pregnancy. Thus, women who purchased
and took “cycle restorers” might or might not be
in violation of antiabortion laws; they themselves
might not be certain without a medical
examination. The advertising of these commodities
makes free use of this ambiguity in texts like the
following from Good Stories of 1933 [see American Home
Health Service, the top left ad, below]:
Late? End
Delay—Worry. American Periodic Relief Compound
double strength tablets combine Safety with
Quick Action. Relieve most Stubborn cases. No
Pain. New discovery. Easily taken. Solves
women’s most perplexing problem. RELIEVES WHEN
ALL OTHERS FAIL. Don’t be discouraged, end worry
at once. Send $1.00 for Standard size package
and full directons. Mailed same day, special
delivery in plain wrapper. American Periodic
Relief Compound Tablets, extra strength for
stubborn cases, $2.00. Generous Size Package.
New Book free.
The rhetoric here does not mention the
possibility of pregnancy, but the product’s
selling points would clearly suggest this to the
informed consumer through the mentions of safety,
absence of pain, and stubborn cases. The readers
of the pulp tabloid Good Stories clearly did not
require an explanation of “women’s most perplexing
Below: Read the comments
about this ad in the text above right.
Below: Read more about
this ad in the text at the top of the page,
right-hand column.
MORE about contraception:
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