
The Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health
Ads for Tampax,
Lotus, and Holly-Pax tampons
Sears, Roebuck catalog, probably late
1930s-early 1940s
Sometime at the end of the 1930s or early 1940s
the American company Sears, Roebuck printed
these offerings at the top of page 709 in the
"notions" section, Merriam-Webster defining
notions as "small useful items," which they
certainly were and are. And Sears advertised Wix
tampons in its 1934 catalog (see that and
more early ads for Wix on the same page).
Wix, Lotus and Holly-Pax - "A product of
Hollywood" with a curvy lady on the box maybe
showing its utility for an actress as were other
tampons - all disappeared decades
Only mighty Tampax remains!
I thank
the anonymous donor of the scan!
Are you laughing at yesterday's
problems? I hope so.
Below: The top of a page in a Sears,
Roebuck catalog from the late 1930s
or early 1940s. Commercial tampons had only been
on the market at most
a decade and women were still
reluctant to buy them.
At about this time the
Dutch advertised Tampax.
Below and at right:
Great ski outfit, huh?
Below: Like
Holly-Pax, at right, Lotus (see the box
and contents) had no
insertion tube, a common
situation in the first decade of
commercial tampons in America. Gift of
Procter & Gamble.
Below: This
box differs from the one in the ad. Somewhere
in MUM's archives I have another box I
believe identical to the one above. The
Tampax company bought the Holly-Pax as
well as Wix
companies in 1939.
of Tambrands.
Below: A box from 1940 very much
like the one in the ad. Actually, Tampax boxes
little in the company's early decades. Someone from
Tampax wrote on the box.
See more
late 30s, early 40s Tampax boxes in the
MUM collection. See a very
early Tampax
and its newspaper ads.
Gift of the
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