And, of course, the first Tampax AND - special
for you! - the American fax tampon,
from the early 1930s, which also came in bags.
See a Modess True or False? ad in The American
Girl magazine, January 1947, and actress Carol Lynley
in "How Shall I Tell My Daughter" booklet ad (1955) - Modess . . . . because ads (many dates).


Kotex menstrual napkin ad, U.S.A., October 1925
Black-and-white ad
This ad again typifies Kotex 1920s advertising in its upper-middle class
(and above) appearance (see two ads from 1923; here
and here). The maid - physically, she could be
of the ladies' class - looks on as rich-looking women exchange greetings.
Note the way they hold hands, which always looked hoity-toidy to me. Although
there is at least one early ad featuring working women (here),
most seem aimed at women who could afford to throw away a relatively expensive
I wonder what probably now-condemned substance Kotex used as a deodorant.
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