See Delicate, a
similar pad with belt from about the same time.
See a Modess True or
False? ad in The American Girl magazine,
January 1947, and actress Carol
Lynley in "How Shall I Tell My Daughter"
booklet ad (1955) - Modess
. . . . because ads (many dates).

Pad-n-all, a combination menstrual pad and
(1930s-1940s? U.S.A.)
Before today's adhesive pads (which
started in the early 1970s - see an early example),
women had to wear a pad with a belt or
some other means of holding it against
her vaginal opening, a tougher task
when underpants were not tight against
the body, as before about 1935.
Pad-n-all consists of an elastic
belt attached permanently to what
looks like a cotton pad, which
measures 7.5" x 3.25" (about 19.5 x
8.3 cm), and sure looks like a
disaster to me. But in a pinch I guess
it would work; I know some things
women have used in emergencies. It
reminds me of the single adhesive pads
found in airplanes, but the latter
seem more reliable.
One thing I've learned from the
museum is that, physically, it's much
more complicated being a woman than a
man, and often more dangerous, what
with having babies, etc. In many ways
men have it easy.
Procter & Gamble Company kindly
donated Pad-n-all to MUM as part of a
gift of scores of old products from
its archives.



The lack of a postal
zone in the address on the package
insert, above, suggests the pad
predates 1943, when the zones appeared
in the U.S.A.
See Delicate, a
similar pad from about the same time but which
required more trouble to use.
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