
Pursettes menstrual tampon ad,
Seventeen magazine, May 1974, U.S.A.
"I thought my slinky
new dress wouldn't make it"
You think you have it bad?
In 1974 pads could be bulky and show
under clothing - but
not as much as in the 1920s
(and 30s and 40s and 50s and 60s).
Pursettes to the rescue! Lacking an
applicator, the
tampon could almost fade into
nothingness in a purse and
definitely fade into nothingness
in a vagina, at least
to someone the Pursetter is talking
to. (But Pursettes did sell a
tampon with an applicator,
and the tininess advantage disappeared).
At least one tampon before Pursettes
had a lubricated tip, Dale. Why weren't there
more? Wouldn't the
lubrication make it easier to insert
the tampon into a somewhat dry vagina?
A reader sends her theory.
Size: about 10 x 13" (25.4 x
33 cm).
See that very tampon
carrier (third box and
bottom). Yes, you saw it here!
Bottom of
page: Sue can now
dance just as her blonde counterpart
can in a Danish
ad - but she's happy with a
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