See Quest sanitary
napkin powder and Zero-Jel
vaginal cream.
See a Modess True or
False? ad in The American Girl magazine,
January 1947, and actress Carol
Lynley in "How Shall I Tell My Daughter"
booklet ad (1955) - Modess
. . . . because ads (many dates).


The Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health
Original museum - comic strip
Ria panty
pad (Slipeinlagen) ad
Germany, 1992
freundin (girlfriend) magazine, issue 13
Ria - which apparently is no longer
sold in Germany but is through a Web
site with the price
in rupees - added this "fitted"
pad after marketing a
simpler design 12 years earlier.
That one stuck an actual panty pad
onto the advertisement in a
German magazine, July 1980.
As in many other ads from other
companies, Ria shows a naked woman,
a practice common
in Europe but not in America or
other conservative countries.
Note the name "Hartmann," which is
the probable maker of the first
disposable German pad.
The ad fills a page measuring 8 3/8 x 11"
(21.3 x 27.9).
My translation
[Hartmann marketed what was possibly the
first commercial disposable menstrual pad
in Germany and maybe the world. Early
Fits the body
Comfort [(on the package): a
word not in a 1958 German dictionary but
probably entering the language later
through commercial English.]
Panty pads that are shaped right.
hygiene that's fun!"schreit (screams,
but in German) a camouflaged nude woman for
Freedom pads and tampons in 1990. And
Freedom's made by the American firm
Kimberly-Clark, whose American-ad women wear
sanitary napkin powder and Zero-Jel vaginal
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