See another
two-page Dr White's ad, showing the
advantage of rounded-tip tampons, also
with moons - and penises - and funny. And
here's a contest
to make an ad for Dr White's pads.

Ad in "three dimensions" for Dr White's
menstrual towels
("pads" in the U.S.A.) (June 1989, Company
magazine, United Kingdom)
Dr White's ad agencies made some
of the most inventive ads for
menstrual hygiene I've ever seen,
including the one below. They deal
with similes difficult for "Puritan"
countries, like America, such as
comparing penises to tampons (see it).
The two pages of the large ad
faced each other, as below. The
pictures at left, below, should
appear three-dimensional even on a
computer screen, if you have the two
colors, each over the indicated eye.
Text: "DR. WHITE'S
Left page
(faces the one at
right), which I broke into two parts
to make the download faster; it's
printed to appear in three
dimensions when seen with the
glasses (right page, at top). It
works, even now, on the computer;
take my word for it.
Right page. See a bigger view
Note the moons in each
corner, symbols of
menstruation and Diana, Roman
goddess of the hunt, virgins and the
The cardboard-frame
glasses stick to the page.
See an enlargement of
the right-hand page. of this ad.
See another
two-page Dr White's ad, showing the
advantage of rounded-tip tampons, also with
moons -
and penises - and funny. And here's a contest to make
an ad for Dr White's pads.
© 1997-2006 Harry Finley. It is illegal
to reproduce or distribute any of the work on
this Web site in
any manner or medium without written
permission of the author. Please report
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