
Woman's Physical Freedom,
book by Clelia Duel Mosher, M.D. (The Womans
Press, New York City, U.S.A., 1923, 87 pages)
"Life itself, not the feminist movement, is altering
the status of women"
Below read mostly positive comments about women from some
of the important male
educational figures of the time. Prof. Mall's comments about who led the graduating
class at Johns Hopkins medical school in 1915 are riveting; ten women
were among
the ninety graduates. Read why Johns
Hopkins accepted women.
SarahAnne Hazlewood generously donated
this book to the museum.

Cover - Chart
comparing menstrual pain with fashion changes, height, etc. - Law
giving menstrual leave; menstruation as sickness;
enjoying not working because of menstruation; why do women menstruate?
- Movies are dangerous, but they will get better
(!); brassieres & breast care