More ads for teens (see also introductory page for
teenage advertising): , Are
you in the know?
(Kotex napkins, 1953, U.S.A.), Are you in the know? (Kotex napkins and belts,
1964, U.S.A.), Freedom
(1990, Germany), Kotex (1992, U.S.A.), Pursettes (1974, U.S.A.), Pursettes (1974, U.S.A.), Saba (1975, Denmark)
See how a woman wore
a belt in a Dutch ad. See a classy 1920s ad for a belt
and the first ad (1891) MUM has for a belt.
See how women wore
a belt (and in a Swedish ad).
See a modern belt
for a washable pad
and a page from the 1946-47
Sears catalog showing a great variety.
More ads for
napkin belts: Sears,
1928 - modern
belts - modern washable
- Modess, 1960s
Actual belts in the museum
And, of course, the first Tampax AND - special
for you! - the American fax tampon,
from the early 1930s, which also came in bags.
See a Modess True or
False? ad in The American Girl magazine,
January 1947, and actress Carol
Lynley in "How Shall I Tell My Daughter"
booklet ad (1955) - Modess
. . . . because ads (many dates).

Ad for Vania
menstrual tampon and panty pad, France, 1991
The French
also aim advertising for menstrual
hygiene at teenage girls. These two
pages are a personality quiz, at left,
and a contest with neat prizes, such
as the jacket the girl is wearing;
just answer the question in the yellow
box correctly.
But the interesting thing for me is
the use of English
in a country that is very concerned
about the purity
its language.
The brand of the tampon and panty
pad is Vania Girl's.
we see the word look.
I was under the impression that there
were legal restrictions in France on
the use of foreign words.
Some German
ads for girls use even more
English. I think it's to give the
impression of being modern, but
it still amazes me.
Are you in
the know?
(Kotex napkins and Quest napkin
powder, 1948, U.S.A.), Are you in the
(Kotex napkins and belts, 1949,
U.S.A.) See some Personal
Products booklets
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