See the roughly contemporary Cashay tampon, box,
instructions. (Procter & Gamble
donation, 2001), and
Dale (U.S.A.,
1930s?-1940s?) Tampons, box, instructions.
(Procter & Gamble donation, 2001)
And, of course, the first Tampax AND -
special for you! - the American fax
tampon, from the early 1930s, which also
came in bags.
See a Modess True
or False? ad in The American Girl
magazine, January 1947, and actress Carol Lynley in
"How Shall I Tell My Daughter" booklet ad
(1955) - Modess . . .
. because ads (many dates).


The Museum of Menstruation and
Women's Health
Undated instructions for Meds menstrual
(Personal Products Corporation)
See the main
Meds page (1967 tampon, box and a
1967 ad),
an ad from
1941, and another set of undated instructions.
The instructions are in reading
copyright 1999 Harry Finley