(U.S.A., Kotex, 1930s-1940s) first succesful Kotex
tampon - tampon
box (about 1937) - ad - many newspaper
ads, 1935-59. And
I had a cat named Fibs (more cats).
theatrical tampon (U.S.A., 1930s-1940s?)
Tampons (with an applicator), box,
(U.S.A., late 1930s? - 1940s?) box,
non-applicator tampons, witty comments

Women, early tampon for
menstruation, cellulose in cotton
gauze, early 1930s?
The Sealtex
Company, Chicago, Illinois,
I thank Procter & Gamble
for donating this box!
I eliminated the color - the
cellulose is barely oxidized - to
make the files smaller.
At left, head on, you see the end that goes
into the vagina first (at
right on the tampons).
The top tampon is as it comes from
the box and is inserted. At bottom
you see the way
the loose
end can be twisted into a
"string" - seems like a bad idea
to me because of blood's soaking -
to enable the women to pull it
The cellulose (Cellucotton?)
interior - the absorbent plug - is
about 2 x 0.5" (about 5 x 1.3 cm)
and the stretched gauze string
about 2.5" (6.5 cm).
The gauze easily peels off - no
cutting needed - and I wonder if
that sometimes allowed the
cellulose to slip off and remain
in the vagina, a menstrual
disaster. Fear not! See the next
NEXT 1 2 3 4
(U.S.A., Kotex, 1930s-1940s) first succesful
Kotex tampon - tampon &
box (about 1937) - ad - many
newspaper ads, 1935-59.
And I had a cat named Fibs (more cats). || LOX
theatrical tampon (U.S.A.,
1930s-1940s?) Tampons (with an
applicator), box, instructions. ||
(U.S.A., late 1930s? - 1940s?)
box, non-applicator tampons, witty
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