A discussion of the letter testimonials,
and their authenticity, of the Pinkham company (in a discussion of a Pursettes
ad with a letter testimonial)
See two letters to MUM about the ingredients
of her Compound, and one about the lyrics of an English
pop song, Lily the Pink, about her.
YOUR remedies for menstrual period
pain and problems. See more remedies here.
See modern home remedies here.


The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., maker of medicine for headaches,
constipation, insomnia, depression, cancer, tumors, women's diseases,
flatulence, menstruation, fertility, etc., U.S.A.:
Come into the Kitchen, booklet,
about 1930
Below: P. 8. Although earlier the booklet
is addressed to the "little bride,"
the young audience becomes clearer with these instructions about preparing
kids' lunches.
I wonder just how much a thermos bottle cost
after reading the last sentence of paragraph one.
Hey kid, keep your eyes on your own book!
Look how well they're dressed.
Below: P. 9. The testimonials remind me
of how hard it is run a household. Just think
of the running controversy about sharing housework today in the U.S.A.
Below: Many of the illustrations, including
the two on these pages, bear what seems to be the
artist's initials, HUX or HIX (below). I can't remember having seen another
patent medicine booklet
with the artist identified.
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