See the complete 1969 edition of How
Shall I Tell My Daughter? (Modess pads and tampons).
Puberty booklets for girls and/or
their parents and/or boys.
Lynn Peril's article about such booklets.


What a Young Woman Ought to Know,
Self and Sex series, 1913, U.K.
Mrs. Mary Wood-Allen, M.D.
I thank very much the contributor from Washington, D.C., for the
Below: Pp. 148-151
Change your underwear and bathe! Use menstrual
suspenders (see)
(p. 149). "It is a scientific fact that thinking continually
of an organ tends to disturb that organ."
Don't masturbate! More about 19th century masturbation
in Plain Facts for Old and Young
by J. H. Kellogg, M. D. (1892)
and from Dr. R. V. Pierce's 1895 Medical Adviser.
(End of pages the donor sent.)
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