Belt topics
See how women wore a belt
(and in a Swedish ad). See a
modern belt for a washable
pad and a page from the 1946-47
Sears catalog showing a great variety - ad for Hickory belts, 1920s? - Modess belts in Personal Digest
See a Modess True or False?
ad in The American Girl magazine, January 1947, and
actress Carol Lynley in "How
Shall I Tell My Daughter" booklet ad (1955) - Modess . . . . because ads (many

The Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health

Today many small companies operated by women
make washable
menstrual pads, and sometimes associated
Above we see a display showing such sanitary
napkins and other forms of menstrual
"containment," such as five of the
contemporary menstrual
cups (Instead, The Keeper, DivaCup,
Lunette and Mooncup) and one old one, the Tassaway, from the
1970s; and some ecologically and
woman-friendly menstrual pads and tampons,
such as NatraCare.
Part of the purpose of the display is to
give voice to these smaller but worthwhile
companies in menstruation; they are outshouted
by the bigger, better-known ones.
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