Tampax Junior tampons, late
Tampax Satin Learner's Kit (for
menstruation), 2001, in 3 languages
Instructions from Tampax
about what to tell customers, 1936
"Educational Material on Menstruation," 1966
menstrual hygiene companies made for girls,
women and teachers - patent
medicine - a list
of books and articles about menstruation - videos
See early tampons and a
list of tampons
on this site - at least the ones I've


Museum of Menstruation and Women's
menstrual tampons educational
folder for home economics
of Age" by Lawrence
H. Mayers, M.D.
Early 1940s-1950s?, U.S.A.
Whole folder
High schools usually taught girls
classes in how
to run a household: home
economics. That
included budgets, sewing, cooking,
caring for children and ... sex education.
(A sports coach often taught boys
about sex. It wasn't as
interesting as what boys learned
on their own. I remember Coach
Oleski referring to the menstrual
period as MP as we stared into
space or looked at our shoes.)
Tampax lent its tamponic hand by
writing many guides for girls
and teachers
- like the one below. It was a way
to tell girls and their teachers
about tampons and, best of all,
I thank the Dutch contributor
of these and other scans and
items to this museum!
Black & salmon cover. The Dutch
contributor of the scans writes that
the folder measures 213 x 280
mm, "almost A4 [a paper
measure used everywhere except North
America]." That translates to about
8.4 x 11".
Apparently someone once folded the
folder but not where it was supposed
to be folded.
The uplifted eyes and slightest
smile give her a spiritual
page | cover
- p. 2 -
p. 3 - p. 4 - p. 5 - p. 6 - p. 7 - p. 8
from Tampax about what to tell
customers, 1936
"Educational Material on
Menstruation," 1966
© 2014 Harry Finley. It is illegal to
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Please report suspected violations to hfinley@mum.org