What did women do
about menstruation
in the past?


Special Book for
Booklet (complete) by Gilbert
(20 pages, Lafayette, Indiana,
U.S.A., 1920s?)
Pp. 16-17
"The peasant
women of Europe
who work
hard and eat
simple food, have
little or no maternal
while the vast array of
'Women's Diseases' that
keep our hospitals full
and our
surgeons busy, are
unknown to these women."
is always on the side
of the mother;
Nature does everything
possible to make
maternity easy and safe
and to bring a perfect
child into the world."
"The most common cause
of nervousness
is overeating."
| cover
- introduction
(p.1) - 2-3
(Female trouble, corsets) - 4-5
(Vaginal douche) - 6-7
(Pelvic troubles in females,
The generative organs of females)
- 8-9
(Treatment) - 10-11
(About the difficulties of
maternity) - 12-13 -
14-15 -
(Nervousness) - 18-19
(Headache, Acid stomach, Cancer
can be prevented, Childbirth) - 20
an American
douche set from the 1920s -
Fresca douche
powder from the 1920s -
BOOKS: Lydia Pinkham's Private
Text-Book Upon Ailments Peculiar
to Women
- The
Happy Baby (Pinkham Co.,
1920s-30s?) - The Intimate
Side of a Woman's Life
by Leona W. Chalmers (1937) - Woman's
Physical Freedom (1923)
by Clelia Duel Mosher, M.D.
ODOR page