YOUR remedies
for menstrual period pain and problems. See more
remedies here.
A discussion
of Pinkham letter testimonials, and their
authenticity, of the Pinkham company (in a discussion
of a Pursettes ad with a letter testimonial)
See two letters to MUM about the ingredients of her Compound,
and one about the lyrics of an English pop song, Lily the Pink, about her.
Other amazing
women: Nelli Bly,
Dr. Marie Stopes, Dr. Grace
Feder Thompson
Harry Finley
created the images.
What did women do about menstruation in the past?


The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., maker of medicine
for headaches,
constipation, menopause, insomnia, depression, cancer,
tumors, women's diseases,
flatulence, menstruation, fertility, douches, kidneys,
etc. Advice about children, babies.
"The Happy Baby" (U.S.A.,
Pamphlet for mothers
The Lydia Pinkham
Medicine Company published many advice
and other kinds of booklets promoting the
company's medicine.
Artists well known at the time illustrated
them and it's fascinating to find Eleanor Campbell
here, who made the first drawings for the
famous Dick and Jane
(and Spot) books for beginning readers. At
least I THINK it's the same Ms. Campbell.
You judge.
I'm skipping most of the repetitive
discussion of ads and other content that you
can find in other Pinkham booklets (here, for
*****Look how 5
years in a wet basement have
affected this booklet in the two
pictures below.
Back and front covers of the 4 1/2 x 7"
(11.4 x 17.6 cm) booklet.
Only these pages have two colors, black
and blue; the rest are black and white -
yellow, since the
booklet is aging fast. This
image comes from 2009.
Look how five years have affected the
booklet! I've moved almost all
the museum archive to a commercial storage
locker because of the wet basement
in my house, the previous storage area next
to the former
museum. I made the
image in 2014.
© 2009 Harry Finley. It is illegal to reproduce or
distribute any of the work on this Web site
in any manner or medium without written permission of
the author. Please report suspected
violations to\