Other amazing women:
Nellie Bly, Lydia
Pinkham, Dr. Marie
Historical remedies
for menstrual period pain and problems. See more
remedies here.
A discussion of the
letter testimonials, and their
authenticity, of the Pinkham company (in a
discussion of a Pursettes ad with a letter
See two letters to MUM about the ingredients of her
Compound, and one about the lyrics of an English pop song, Lily the Pink, about
Other amazing women:
Nelli Bly, Dr. Marie
Stopes, Dr. Grace
Feder Thompson

Bird eye (bird's eye, birdseye))
cloth for homemade washable menstrual
pads and diapers
Ad in the
Washington Post, September 11, 1904
In the 19th and 20th centuries, and
probably even today, women made
diapers for their children and
menstrual napkins for themselves from
an absorbent cloth called bird's eye,
which had a pattern that looked like
a, um, bird's eye. (See later disparaging
comments about the association
of diapers with menstrual pads.)
When this online museum was a real museum in
my house for four years, I
strung a clothes line and hung a
birdseye (one of several possible
spellings) cloth from it, showing
visitors how some back yards looked in
those earlier times. A photographer
from the Chicago Tribune who visited
the museum with a reporter told me
that he saw many menstrual rags
hanging in the yards of many houses in
a black section of Chicago where he
lived as a child in the 1950s. He said
he and friends would try to guess
which women were wearing them by
observing the bulges
under their clothes.
See a
modern, beautiful bowl to soak used
menstrual pads in.
I again
thank the genealogist for the many
many ads she's sent, including
this one.
Someone wrote
MUM the following in March 2006:
"About washable
pads: there are quite a few
moms who have work-at-home businesses
making these things. I find them to be
far superior to Glad Rags. This page
shows several styles:
See also the patent
medicine Cardui, Dr.
Grace Feder Thompson's
letter appealing for patients, Dr. Pierce's
medicines, and Orange
Blossom medicine.
© 2006, 2014
Harry Finley. It is illegal to
reproduce or distribute work on this
Web site in any manner or medium
without written permission of the
author. Please report suspected
violations to hfinley@mum.org