YOUR remedies for menstrual period
pain and problems. See more remedies here.
A discussion of Pinkham letter testimonials,
and their authenticity, of the Pinkham company (in a discussion of a Pursettes
ad with a letter testimonial)
See two letters to MUM about the ingredients
of her Compound, and one about the lyrics of an English
pop song, Lily the Pink, about her.
Other amazing women: Nelli
Bly, Dr. Marie Stopes,
Dr. Grace Feder Thompson
Harry Finley created the images.
What did women do about menstruation
in the past?


The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., maker of sanitary napkins, perfume,
brooches, medicine for headaches,
constipation, menopause, insomnia, depression, cancer, tumors, women's diseases,
flatulence, menstruation, fertility, douches, kidneys, mouth wash, liniment,
hemorrhoids, etc.
"Landmarks of New England" (U.S.A.,
Pamphlet for tourists. Guide to Boston, Provincetown, colleges, Pilgrims,
Salem, witches, Lynn, etc.
Below: P. 4
"[B]orn a seven months baby."
The company early on had a credibility problems
with testimonials, which seems to be the reason
it now encouraged readers to contact satisfied women.
Below, p. 5:
There was a saying about the company's Vegetable
Compound: "A baby in every bottle,"
I guess because the alcohol took away inhibitions.
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of the work on this Web site
in any manner or medium without written permission of the author. Please
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