Read 1930s criticism of
douche products Zonite
and Lysol. See Lysol information in old newspapers and Lysol ads from 1948 and 1934.
Visit the odor page.

Lehn & Fink New
Improved [menstrual,
contraceptive?] Tampon
with hydroxyquinoline
(1930s-1940s? Lehn & Fink Products
Corporation [Lysol],
Procter & Gamble kindly
donated the box and contents as
part of a gift of scores of
menstrual products.
Back and front sides of the
instruction sheet (interior
sides). The sheet as shown
measures 8 x 6" (20.2 x 16.3 cm).
After folding it vertically in
half the sheet folds horizontally
so the top
of the right-hand page forms the
back of the twice-folded sheet.
You can read the third paragraph
as describing its CONTRACEPTIVE
action: are clot
and fluid
stand-ins for semen?
"Nothing remains on top of the
Tampon . . . . Fluid can neither
on the top nor leak through the
lower part of this Tampon."
The toxic
shock crisis starting at the
end of the 1970s caused a
rethinking of
the length of time a person could
have a tampon in her vagina.
See a tampon
designed specifically for the "waning" days
of the period.
NEXT: Box | The tampons | Applicator tampon in
detail | Applicatorless
tampon in detail | Instructions (side 1) (side 2)
Birth control and
religion | Birth
control drugs, old | Birth control douche & sponges Read
1930s criticism
of douche products
Lysol & Zonite and. See Lysol information in old newspapers and Lysol ads from 1948 and 1934. All tampons on this
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