to sell Kotex page for trade
publications, probably early 1920s, U.S.A.
Image is Your Fortune!," Modess
sales-hints booklet for stores, 1967
First Tampax? & first
tampon with applicator (1931-33?): box, tampon,
instructions, plus newspaper ad from
1934 - Tiffany bowl celebrating
the 50th anniversary of Tampax - 1936: box, tampon, patent (with
a short account of the invention of Tampax by Dr.
Earle Haas, and of the first Tampax president,
German immigrant Gertrude Tenderich)

"TAMPAX The Champ in every way"
Promotional package for Tampax menstrual
(aimed at dealers?), 1963, U.S.A.
How to
sell Kotex page for trade
publications, probably early
1920s, U.S.A. - "Your Image is
Your Fortune!," Modess
sales-hints booklet for stores,
1967 (U.S.A.) - "Your 'Keys'
to More Profits," Kotex
brochure for retailers. 1960s.
(U.S.A.) - First Tampax? &
first tampon with applicator
(1931-33?): box, tampon,
instructions, plus newspaper
ad from 1934 - Tiffany bowl
celebrating the 50th
anniversary of Tampax - 1936: box, tampon,
(with a short account of the invention of
Tampax by Dr. Earle Haas,
and of the first
Tampax president, German
immigrant Gertrude Tenderich)
- Teachers'
guides - Menstrual
educational booklets for girls
& parents
I thank Tambrands, the former
maker of Tampax, for generously
donating this folder!
This and the
following ads and information
sheets on glossy paper, which
measure 10.25 x 13.5" (26 x 34.4
cm), fit
into the pockets of the interior
of the folder.
As in the 1964
folder, these ads identify the
designers and manufacturers of the
clothing, a classy touch
further distancing the models from
menstruation. (Under left picture:
"Sailing pants, parka, White
under right: "Pink checked slacks,
Jax.") And white or light colors
don't darken the lower half of
the women; that shows that Yes
indeed! one can untroubled wear
white. See
more ads featuring white.
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