Sex Facts for Women, by Richard L. Lambert,
Ph.G. [Graduate Pharmacist], M.D., 1936, New York
The Intimate Side of a Woman's Life, book by
Leona W. Chalmers (1937, Pioneer Publications, Inc., Radio City, New York):
excerpt about her menstrual cup and douching
[Douching] The "Mon Docteur" Way
to Health[,] Vitality[,] and Beauty (1928-29? leaflets, booklets: Leaflet:
This is It (covers,
pages 2/3, 4/5, 6/7/8) - Leaflet: Every Woman
Wants to be Lovely and Belovèd (pages 1/4,
2/3) - Booklet: Why Haven't
We Women Been Told This Thing Before? (covers,
pages 1/2-3/4, 5/6-7/8,
9/10-11/12, 13/14-15/16,
17/18-19/20, 21/22)
- Booklet: The Mon Docteur Treatments)
Booklets menstrual hygiene companies made
for girls, women and teachers - patent medicine
- a list of books and articles about menstruation
See early tampons and a list of tampons on this site - at least the ones I've cataloged.


Home Treatment of Female Diseases, booklet,
Chattanooga Medicine Company, Chattanooga, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Wine of Cardui, Rev. R. L. McElree, M. A. Thedford, liver, gynecology, menstrual
disturbances, black draught, girl, women, health, menstruation, period,
Just one of many in the probably hundreds of such 19th-century booklets
(for example), this guide used the publisher's
alcoholic patent medicine to treat conditions that today would rocket the
suffering woman to the emergency room.
But who trusted American hospitals and doctors of this era? The great
innovating Johns Hopkins Hospital and medical school had barely begun their
reformation of American medicine, much of it based on German, French and
British science. Quack and doctor were often synonymous.
Readers read no names of doctors here.
Today they would see their degrees and board specialties and beaming faces
. I think of Dr. Gupta on the CNN Web page.
The face of Presbyterian salesman Reverend McElree greeted them instead,
that last resort after the country doctor's doctoring didn't work. Bottle
after bottle of the reverend's wine could make exhausted women frisky enough
to pick up the broom and diaper and again care for their large families.
"The bearing of children is the crowning glory of woman's life. For
a healthy, married woman to avoid it is to shirk her duty to her husband
and her Creator," writes the anonymous author
- the reverend?
Even though Rev. McElree's thanked the "Great Jehovah" every
day for his accidental discovery of an Indian
herb remedy for many women's maladies - well, it's an INDIAN remedy. Look
at the Indian woman next to the words "THE
GREAT SPIRIT PLANTED IT" on the inside front cover. Maybe Jehovah and
the Great Spirit, with a lot of alcohol, worked together to ease these hard-working
women's lives.
Below: Back
cover. Each page of the booklet about measures 5 1/8 x 6 3/4" (13 x
17.1 cm).
Right under the long horizontal bar are white
letters that might be the name of the engraver and/or artist of the
design. See below for an enlargement and a possible
Below: Front
Below: Enlargement of the letters
under the bar on the back cover.
The last word probably stands for Chattanooga
but what is the first one?
A retired teacher who has contributed much (for
example) to MUM writes:
HI Harry,
I was just reading your update and the name at the bottom I'm pretty
certain in an initial of H or A and the last name Suverkrup.
Suverkrup is German I believe and another variation is Silverkrup though
I don't know if that is because of translation or "Ellis Island Errors'
as I call them.
The company that made Wine of Cardui is still around with an interesting
history, the name is 'Chattem, Inc.'
I think that Suverman was a part of that mass
mailing interprise and you can probably find him under patents for the
mailings devices as they were so big they got their own post office back
then at the company.
Hope this helps,
© 2010 Harry Finley. It is illegal to reproduce or distribute any
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without written permission of the author. Please report suspected violations