Menstrual cups
Read also an Australian ad for douche apparatus
in a banned publication, about 1900. See instructional material for an American company that sold douche equipment and
menstrual cups at Tupperware-like parties in women's
Read 1930s criticism of douching liquids
Zonite and Lysol.
Booklets menstrual hygiene companies made
for girls, women and teachers - patent medicine
- a list of books and articles about menstruation
See early tampons and a list of tampons on this site - at least the ones I've cataloged.


The Intimate Side of a Woman's Life by
Leona W. Chalmers
Book (hard cover with dust jacket), 128 pages, 1937
Pioneer Publications, Inc., Radio City, New York, U.S.A.
Gynecology, women, cup, health, beauty, bathing, menstruation, period, feminine,
vaginal hygiene, douche, period, cycle, cleanliness, energy, sick, odor,
loveliness, exercise, cosmetics, body
Below: Pp. iv & v
The printer, Colonial Press (at bottom),
once printed more books than any other on the U.S. East Coast, among them
the Warren Commission Report about the assassination
of President Kennedy.
Right before the press closed in 1978 one
of the workers experienced something familiar:
"They called us into this meeting and the vice president stood
up on this chair and told us that there was no truth to the rumors that
Colonial Press was closing," Patterson said. "The next week they
announced they were closing."
(Quote and all information from ]
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