Menstrual cups
Read also an Australian ad for douche apparatus
in a banned publication, about 1900. See instructional material for an American company that sold douche equipment and
menstrual cups at Tupperware-like parties in women's
Read 1930s criticism of douching liquids
Zonite and Lysol.
Booklets menstrual hygiene companies made
for girls, women and teachers - patent medicine
- a list of books and articles about menstruation
See early tampons and a list of tampons on this site - at least the ones I've cataloged.


The Intimate Side of a Woman's Life by
Leona W. Chalmers
Book (hard cover with dust jacket), 128 pages, 1937
Pioneer Publications, Inc., Radio City, New York, U.S.A.
Gynecology, women, cup, bath, beauty, bathing, health, menstruation, period,
vaginal hygiene, douche, period, cycle, cleanliness, bath, odor, body, medicine,
pain, loveliness, exercise, pain, sick, feminine, cosmetics, sanitary napkin,
pad, family, contraception, pregnancy, children, child
Below: Pp. 106 & 107
"'70% to 80% of all adult males in America have, or have had, [gonorrhea]
at some time or another.'"
"[I]t is known that high school and college girls suffer from leucorrhea.
While this condition may arise from various sources, it is a proven fact
that most of the cases are traceable to over-stimulation
of the sex glands, brought on by too much love making or 'petting.'
There is nothing morally wrong with what the [continued next page]"
Below: Pp. 108 & 109
[continued from the previous page] "younger generation call 'necking,'
but it should not be indulged in too much or too frequently, because temptation
is sweet and is apt to cause a breaking down of reserve and will power and
flesh being weak, tragic results may follow! On the other hand, 'necking,'
if carried to excess, is bad for the physical well-being of the girl. The
sex glands, in becoming over-active, give off an excessive amount of secretions,
which are weakening to the nervous system, and if left in the vagina are
almost sure to undergo chemical and bacterial changes, causing a profuse
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