Box and pads, 1930s? - wrapped
Kotex pad for West Disinfecting Company dispenser (mid 1930s)
Many belts, sanitary aprons & underpants from the Butler,
Smyth and Savage catalogs, early 20th century.
See 3 ads for American belts, 1949 and 1955,
and a booklet for girls by Beltx.
Phantom Kotex ad, with ad for Marjorie May's
Twelfth Birthday, a menarche booklet, 1932 - Kotex
doesn't show! 3 ads for Kotex menstrual pads, 1927, 1932, 1955 (U.S.A.)
Booklets menstrual hygiene companies made
for girls, women and teachers - patent medicine
- a list of books and articles about menstruation
- videos


Ad for Kotex menstrual pad belt and apron (1930s?,
(Kotex, sanitary napkin, pad, menstruation, belt, apron, menstrual, period,
See how a woman wore a belt in a Dutch ad.
See a menstrual apron on a mannequin in the
former museum in my house.
I thank the donor for this and many other items donated to this museum!
Below: The other
side of the paper strip; it's enlarged
in sections below.
Below: Two years' research? Wow.
Below: The very embodiment of the art deco
Left, bottom: See the belts
ENLARGED two pictures down.
Below: Kotex writes seductive
ad text!
Below: I assume the K means Kotex and maybe
the OOO is decoration.
But the white arrow at right points to what
looks like a G: Go[o] Kotex?
Below: See a roughly contemporary "sanitary bloomer," designed with rubber to guard
against leakage, and one from 1922.
A mannequin wears a more elaborate menstrual apron created from an ad in the Sears,
Roebuck catalog.
Below: The apron ties around the waist
and has
what looks like ties for attachment to the woman's garters.
© 2010 Harry Finley. It is illegal to reproduce or distribute any
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